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The almost one hundred recently burned to death in England were mainly poor foreigners and mostly moslims, ALMIGHTY GOD DECIDES ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH OF ALL HUMANITY, SO ACCORDING TO THE "LOVING# EVANGELICALS (FOR NOT BEING "BORN AGAIN AND THUS NOT SAVED") AND MOST CATHOLICS AS WELL (FOR NOT BEING BAPTIZED) ALL VICTIMS WOULD NOW BE IN HELL TO BE TORMENTED AGAIN BY FLAMES... A BABARIC BELIEF....INSTEAD THEY ALL ARE NOW IN HEAVEN WITH OUR LOVING LORD JESUS, HOPEFULLY BE ABLE TO INTERCEED TOGETHER WITH JESUS, FOR ALL YOU IGNORANT (THUS ALSO INNOCENT) EVANGELICALS AND CATHOLICS AND YOURS TRULY AS WELL. supposedly eternally tormenting hell as almost ALL religions teach and preach, BUT EACH ONE IRONICALLY EXCEPTING ONLY THEMSELVES…. is on earth not in eternity, (as Isaac Newton also claimed) 120,000,000 dead in two world wars, (450,000 Americans and 27,000,000 Russians…) 800,000, in the US Civil war, many thousands in Mexico´s civil war, 3-4,000,0000 in Vietnam, Korea, 400,000+ Moslems in Syria…etc. etc. …..all in hell for not being baptized by the catholics, or not being “born a again” according to the evangelicals….HEAVENLY SALVATION IS NOT ONLY FOR ANY SPEFICIC EXCLUSIVE GROUP OF “RELIGIOUS” PEOPLE. BECAUSE A LOVING GOD DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE. THIS IS SHOWN BY THE FACT THAT JESUS FORGIVE ALL HIS MURDERERS FROM THE CROSS, WITHOUT THEM EVEN KNOWING IT NOR REPENTING OR GOING TO ANY CHURCH. PRAISE GOD. And God does not change He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The world, each of the 40,000 religions and sects (according to the catholics) carnally judges the world, with their 8-10% of brainpower, seeing the outside only and sends 99% of humanity to AN ETERNALLY TORMENTING HELL, except themselves “of course”…
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